Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Adding Value to your experience

Since I originated from a Finance and Business background in the mid 80's, yeah that long ago, I have been using what was called Lotus 123. I used lotus for years and then strangely it just became Excell.

For the benefit of my prospects and normal business when buying I will often create this worksheet as an investment summary or answer income to qualify questions. Human nature seems to think in Monthly dollars amounts and not the grand totals.


There are a number of variables here.
Interest Rate is calculated by the posted rate weekly, Land Transfer Taxes are variable based on where you purchase. Land Transfer Calculation Link Do you qualify for a Land Transfer Tax exemption or rebate I usually take from here. I can prepare one for you rather easily on my laptop and send it along as an email. We will, during the course of our shopping adventure look at a number of these to clearly understand out monthly long term commitments.

An average Condo purchase in Downtown Toronto will include taxes of $1800 per year plus maintenance number that could be as high as $500 plus per month. The newest trend seems to be montkly parking via valet at $450 per month. Better to have bought the parking when offered at $15,000 a few years ago.

Why are more agents not using this technology? I have handed this out in both printed form and memory stick or email to hundreds of agents, but have yet to see it applied.

Would you as a consumer be interested to understand the cost of your closing, the largest purchase of your lifetime? This worksheet is now under revision for the effects of Harmonized Sales Tax. I welcome your input as to what else can be included.

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