Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Experience May Not Count

When it comes to using business finance, mortgage and real estate professionals using experienced people may not assist you as the consumer.

I read that twice. Since when does experience not matter. We have seen the same situations over the years or over decades in my case.

Here's the quote;
" suggests that more experienced mortgage brokers might actually be more likely than novices to make loans that end up in foreclosure.

Mr. Garmaise analyzed nearly 23,000 mortgages processed by 2,905 brokers from 2004 to 2008. When the brokers were starting out with their lenders, he said, the loans they made were less likely to result in foreclosure. (By his own calculations, the fifth loan was 8 percent less likely to result in foreclosure than the 10th loan.)

One reason for the increased failure rate, Mr. Garmaise said, could be the pace at which loans are underwritten. The more the brokers did, the less time they spent on each of them, he said.


reading said...

Nice article & great analysis to show the right concept of such situations . .
I'll keep this long time . .
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reading said...

WOW, This is such a nice article the real estate company wants that the experience person for the job and Now The experience is doesn't matter for the job to the company......

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David Pylyp said...

The article still puzzles me;
No company would hire an employee withoout experience or the job is entry level.
Yet here is this article...