Sunday, July 14, 2013

Why do you expect me to present your offer?

Why am I presenting your offer to my Sellers?

They expected an offer presentation where we would negotiate. You sent me an email or faxed the offer.

I don't know your clients capacity, intent, top price, ability or wherewithal to conclude the transaction. If you told your clients the market is up/ down 10% They want a deal, a discount and they want to negotiate.

Let's presume the following;

  • There are two offers
  • Both offers are relatively equal with small differences
  • One agent is in attendance.
  • His Buyers are in a Horton's nearby and anxious.
  • The OTHER agent sent his offer by fax.

The Seller's of the home have a strong history and attachment to the property. They have demonstrated pride of ownership, duty of care and dedication to the maintenance and upkeep. It was the curb appeal that attracted your buyers. This is the second time they have entered the real estate market in 26 years. 

The agent with the Buyers outside has an opportunity to explain their financial capacity to  close on the purchase, how much downpayment, where they work, what types of financing they are taking.  There is a deposit cheque with the offer.  He goes on to create a bond between buyer and seller by describing the family that will replace theirs on the street. The new kids that will fix the tree house and update the swing set.

The agent with the faxed / emailed offer has what?

Yes, we have the capability to send offers by email.  Sign on your ipad. Deliver Acknowledged copies of contracts electronically, instantly.

Bring 4 copies of your offer.

Real Estate is about pricing, presentation, promotion and negotiation of all my offers in person.  We attend with you at the lawyers, together, so that you understand everything is as was explained to you.  Thats what I do. 

Call me.

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